GEOHAB Modeling Workshop, 15-19 Jun

What Workshop
When 2009-06-15 08:00to
2009-06-19 17:00
Where Galway, Ireland
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An international workshop is planned for June 15-19, 2009 in Galway, Ireland. The goal is to energize the interface between models and observations in harmful algal bloom research, building on what has been learned in the broader fields of physical-biological interactions and plankton ecosystem modeling. The week-long format will start with a student tutorial on day one, followed by four days of plenary talks, poster sessions, and working group sessions. Approximately 50-70 participants are expected.
Detailed objectives, a draft agenda, and logistical information are available on the web at

Applications forms are available on the web site, and are due December 15. Some travel support is available from the workshop budget.
Submitted by:
Dennis McGillicuddy
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA
On behalf of the Organizing Committee