Ma-Re Forum 2010: Back to BASICS

It is that time of year again, when the Marine Research Institute (Ma-Re) of the University of Cape Town hosts its annual forum. The Ma-Re forum provides a platform for all Ma-Re affiliated researchers and students to showcase their research. This year’s forum will focus on the Ma-Re BASICS (Marine Research in the Benguela and Agulhas Systems for supporting Interdisciplinary Climate-Change Research) programme.
What Forum Meeting
When 2010-11-04 08:302010-11-04 16:00 2010-11-04
from 08:30 to 16:00
Where R W James C (Lecture Theatre), R W James Building, University Avenue, UCT
Contact Name Pavs Pillay
Contact Email
Contact Phone +27 (0)21 650 5442
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Click here for the programme.
Please R.S.V.P Pavs Pillay by Tuesday, 2 November 2010.