Presentation and Guided Coastal Walk

As part of National Science Week 2010, a presentation will be given on the physical aspects of the ocean and coast off Cape Recife on Saturday 7 August, starting at 8.30am and ending at 11.00. This will include aspects such as waves, currents, tides, beaches and weather. Thereafter a guided coastal walk will investigate some of the details presented.
What Guided Walk
When 2010-08-07 08:302010-08-07 11:00 2010-08-07
from 08:30 to 11:00
Where Cape Recife, Port Elizabeth
Contact Name Chris
Contact Phone 0823296842
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You are invited to join us for this presentation and walk. Please meet at the SAMREC parking area.

Dr Eckart Schumann is a physical oceanographer with more than 30 years experience off the South African coast. He will give the talk and lead the walk, sharing his extensive knowledge of the coast and Algoa Bay.
For more information, please contact Chris on 0823296842.

Submitted by Karen Binning, SAMREC