Science & Management of Protected Areas Association

1 November 2010 is the deadline for submitting abstracts to SAMPAA 7 - the Conference of the Science & Management of Protected Areas Association, scheduled for 17-22 April 2011 in Banff, Alberta, Canada. SAMPAA 7 will examine the evolving roles of government, Aboriginal peoples, non-government organizations, industry, the science community and the public in establishing and managing protected areas for the future. It will explore the roles and connections of urban parks to larger protected areas, and it will focus on how to build support to ensure that parks and protected areas remain relevant for the next century. It will also look beyond protected areas, focusing on other ways to achieve large-scale sustainability of landscapes and seascapes. It will span the social and ecological sciences, local knowledge, education theory, and the arts.
What Conference
When 2011-04-17 08:00to
2011-04-22 17:00
Where Alberta, Canada
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