Seminar on trace metals in the ocean

Gideon Henderson from Oxford University UK will be giving the following seminar and anyone interested is welcome.
What Seminar
When 2010-10-15 13:002010-10-15 13:45 2010-10-15
from 13:00 to 13:45
Where Eric Simpson Lecture Theatre, Dept of Geological Sciences, UCT
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Topic: "Trace metals in the ocean: The key to ocean productivity and past climates"
Date: Friday 15 Oct 2010
Time: 13h00-13h45
Venue: Eric Simpson Lecture Theatre, Dept of Geological Sciences (next door to Leslie Building on Upper Campus).
Gideon is here before his GEOTRACES cruise on the RSS Discovery from Cape Town to Buenos Aires. There will be tours of the ship which will be docked at the Waterfront on Thursday 14 Oct in the afternoon – if you are interested please contact John Compton (