Workshop on the identification of marine planktonic copepods

What Workshop
When 2011-06-06 09:30to
2011-06-10 17:00
Where Life Science Building, UWC
Contact Name Mark Gibbons
Contact Email
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Claire Davies and Anita Slotwinski are members of the Australian Continuous Plankton Recorder (AusCPR - team operating out of Brisbane, Queensland. They routinely identify copepods (to species level) from samples collected around the Australian coastline and will be in South Africa for the week 6 -10 June 2011. During this visit, they have offered to train interested scientists/students/technicians from the region “How to identify free-living, planktonic copepods”. The workshop will be constructed around practical, do-it-yourself sessions and the theory will be strictly limited. The emphasis is very much “hands-on”, so do not expect Claire or Anita to identify the species in your samples for you! Space is limited to 10 persons only. There is no funding support, so all costs (travel, accommodation and food) will need to be borne by workshop participants.
Interested participants should send a letter of motivation to Mark J Gibbons (, explaining how they will use the skills developed in their work/study - and beyond.