41st International Liège Colloqium on Ocean Dynamics, 4-8 May

Science-based management of the coastal waters
What Colloqium
When 2009-05-04 08:00to
2009-05-08 17:00
Where Liège University, Belgium
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The 41st International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics will provide a forum to present and discuss recent scientific advances in the field of Integrated Coastal Zone Management, to compare the modelling and experimental approaches set up in various case studies and to identify the need for future developments. The emphasis will be particularly put on the understanding of the dynamics of coastal waters and on the development of appropriate tools and methodologies to address the issues of:

•coastal oceanography;
•prevention and mitigation of coastal hazards and pollution (including coastal eutrophication);
•long term geomorphological changes;
•global changes in the coastal zone (including downscaling issues);
•operational oceanography and monitoring systems;
•social and economic aspects of ICZM multifunctionality and evaluation.
Click here for the full announcement.