2012 MPA Conference
This five-day event will take place in November 2012 in San Francisco, CA and will bring together global MPA practitioners, NGOs, government authorities, equipment providers, and donors to discuss the successes and challenges of MPA management around the world. We will explore the key components to effective MPA enforcement and give practical examples of their implementation. More than 20 speakers from MPAs around the world will present on common challenges and the innovative strategies and tools that are working for them. The event will include presentations, breakout sessions, and panel discussions, along with informal opportunities to network.
What Conference
2012-11-24 08:00to
2012-11-29 17:00
Where San Francisco, California
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At this conference, we will:
• Distribute The Fundamentals of Effective MPA Enforcement publication.
• Explore key components to MPA protection using WildAid’s adaptation of the law enforcement chain.
• Discuss key features of effective MPA governance and legal frameworks.
• Explore various tools for MPA enforcement and discuss the pros, cons, and costs involved in different technologies.
• Explore alternative solutions to increasing compliance including outreach efforts and communications campaigns.
• Learn from MPA practitioners and authorities from around the world how they have overcome common difficulties.
• Discuss practical applications of the Law Enforcement Chain in all types of MPA management models, including those led by the community, government, and NGO’s.
• Discuss innovative and self-sustaining financing mechanisms for modern MPAs.
Click here to view the conference booklet, which includes a tentative agenda and registration information.