7th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics
Conference Theme: 'Coastal Dynamics Research Emphasizing Practical Applications. Coastal processes span a wide range of temporal and spatial scales with complex and nonlinear interactions. We especially solicit papers that integrate or aggregate spatial/temporal scales and explore the coupling between different processes to respond to practical coastal applications.
What Conference
2013-06-24 08:00to
2013-06-28 17:00
Where Arcachon Convention Centre, France
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Important dates:
Abstract submission open on the web: June 15, 2012
Abstract submission deadline: September 15, 2012
Notification of acceptance: November 1, 2012
Full paper submission open on the web: November 1, 2012
Full paper submission deadline: April 1, 2013
Registration open on the web: January 1, 2013
Registration deadline for presenters: April 15, 2013