Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation in the WIO region: Solutions to the Crisis

The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) in collaboration with the Mauritius Oceanography Institute (MOI); and the Nairobi Convention Secretariat are pleased to announce the first Conference on “Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region: Solutions to the Crisis”, which will be held in Grand Baie, Mauritius from 21st – 23rd March 2011.
What Conference
When 2011-03-21 08:00to
2011-03-23 17:00
Where Grand Baie, Mauritius
Contact Name WIOMSA Secretariat
Contact Email
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This Conference will bring together key individuals working on climate change issues at different levels including senior Government officials, representatives of regional multi-lateral bodies, development partners, representatives of the business community and NGOs and CBOs, and scientists.
Abstract submission deadline: 15 November 2010
Click here for the first announcement and call for papers