Earth System Modelling Indaba, 19 Aug

An open meeting will be held on the 19th (possibly also 20th) of August 2009 to discuss and debate a collective view of earth systems modelling strategies and activities in South Africa.
What Open Meeting
When 2009-08-19 09:002009-08-19 17:00 2009-08-19
from 09:00 to 17:00
Where CHPC Rosebank, Cape Town
Contact Name Sharifa Engel
Contact Email
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The meeting has been called in res
ponse to the need articulated below and is open to ES model development & modelling groups, model users and students from all institutions and agencies. Costs incurred will be sponsored by ACCESS.
If you would like to attend this meeting please register with Sharifa Engel ( as we will be limited to around 30 people. If required, Video Conferencing Facilities will be arranged.
The need for such a meeting has arisen from a range of discussions and communications about ocean, atmosphere, hydrological, ecosystems and coupled modelling efforts that are taking place in an equally wide range of institutions. Varying views on strategy for ES modelling in the country have been expressed and it is important that these views are tabled and debated so that differing strategic perspectives can be accommodated in the implementation of planned initiatives. We have decided to host this meeting at short notice as various deadlines for implementation of plans are looming and consensus on an approach to address these divergent views is required.
The aim of the meeting, in the context of the Global Change Grand Challenge and other national strategies, is to share and discuss among the modelling community what the goals and intentions are within the modelling community, to elicit debate on the merits of these efforts and to identify what enhances and/or constrains them. In addition, the aim is to determine (with appropriate error bars) whether there is value in higher level organization of the efforts into some form of earth systems modelling working group or to consider alternative approaches.
The outcome of the meeting is envisioned as a set of proposals that will improve communications within the modelling community, and that will optimize the use of, and will increase the available resources, in terms of funds and in terms of human capacity.
A concept agenda (= pre-draft!) is attached to show the scope of the discussions. The topics are not confined to strictly modelling issues but include fields (botany and anthropology for example) that can benefit from ES modelling . None of the indicated participants has been contacted. Please let us know as soon as possible should you prefer not to make a presentation, or should you wish to make and would like to add your name.
Please click here for the concept agenda.