The future of marine biogeochemistry, ecosystems and societies. Multi-dimensional approaches to the challenges of global change in continental margins and open ocean systems. The objective of this third conference in the IMBIZO series is to explore the linkages and interactions between humans and ecological and biogeochemical systems in the continental margins and open ocean in order to further our understanding of human-ocean-human interactions with respect to global change.
What Conference
2013-01-28 08:00to
2013-01-31 17:00
Where Goa, India
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Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER) is an international, interdisciplinary project. Its primary objective is to investigate the sensitivity of marine biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems to global change, on time scales ranging from years to decades.
Dates to remember:
Online registration opens
1 March 2012
  • Call for abstracts
         1 March 2012
  •  Abstract submission deadline
15 July 2012
  •  Financial support application deadline
 15 July 2012
  •  Oral and poster presentation notification
 30 September 2012
  •  Financial support application notification
 30 September 2012
  •  Final payment deadline
 15 October 2012
  •  Data Management workshop
 27 January 201
  • IMBIZO lll
 28-31 January 2013