International Conference on Marine Waste Water Discharges and Coastal Environment
Conference themes include: Environmental Impact Assessment of near-shore and offshore discharges; Planning of sanitation and treatment systems in coastal areas; Chlorination systems and their environmental impact; Eutrophication and discharge impacts on marine biology; Water quality management, monitoring and control of environmental pollution due to marine discharges; Oceanographic aspects related to sealine construction and design surveys; Risk analysis in sealine construction; Environmental aspects of the coastal infrastructures construction and operation; Ports and dredging; Choices for coastal defence; Coastal hydrodynamics, sediment transport and erosion, shoreline management, beach stabilization and erosion control; Problems related to the human use of coastal areas; and Climate change impacts, sea level rise.
What Conference
2012-10-22 08:00to
2012-10-26 17:00
Where Montenegro
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