International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade -16th Conference

The International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade (IIFET) and the University of Dar es Salaam are pleased to confirm that our sixteenth biennial conference will be held July 16-20, 2012, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The general theme of the conference will be revealing the hidden possibilities of fisheries in all areas of the world, with particular emphasis on Africa and developing regions.
What Conference
When 2012-07-16 08:00to
2012-07-20 17:00
Where Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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Visible Possibilities:
The Economics of Sustainable Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Trade
The IIFET is an international group of economists, government managers, private industry members, and others interested in the exchange of research and information on marine resource issues.
Participants are encouraged to reflect on the goods and services fisheries and aquaculture provide to human society and on the objective that fishery management and aquaculture development should provide contributions to human wellbeing – whether through macro-economic growth (resource rents, trade revenues), small-business profits, wage labor, or nutritious food. These “goods” need to be weighed against the costs inherent in utilizing fish resources. Participants are also encouraged to examine – and suggest solutions for resolving – those aspects of fisheries management and aquaculture development that can hamper our ability to fulfill this objective, helping to avoid worsening poverty traps, ecosystem damage, and inequities amongst fishery and aquaculture stakeholders.