Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment Procedures, 3-7 Nov

What Short course
When 2008-11-03 08:00to
2008-11-07 17:00
Where Rhodes University, Grahamstown
Contact Name Marina van Zyl
Contact Email
Contact Phone 046-622 2364
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Presented by: Rhodes University's Departments of Environmental Science, in conjunction with Coastal & Environmental Services (CES), are offering another short course on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Procedures at Rhodes University, Grahamstown 3-7 November 2008.
Click here for more information on this course,
In order for you to register and obtain an invoice for payment, the registration form needs to be filled out with the relevant information.
Registrations will close on Monday 13 October 2008.
Your place on the course can only be confirmed once payment is received (no later than 24 October) (payment details to be provided on the invoice).
Please e-mail or fax your registration form as soon as possible to:
Marina van Zyl - fax 046-622 6564 - tel 046-622 2364