Issue 163: May 2000, pg 8
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                                                       INTEGRATED COASTAL
The University of Natal and IHE Delft are combining to offer a intensive, professional workshop on Integrated Coastal Management, which will be held between Saturday 29 July and Saturday 5 August 2000. The workshop is targeted at professionals with an engineering, environmental, economic, planning or social background, from both the public and private sectors, who need to draw on multidisciplinary skills in problem solving and require an integrated approach to decision-making. The course provides eight contact days and is purposefully structured to minimise absence from the workplace.
The course will provide both international and national perspectives on coastal management, examine the natural and human forces which impact on the coastal zone, outline how tools such as Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) can be used in a coastal setting, and explore how threats such as climate change may impact on the coast.
The course will use a mix of lectures, computer models, case studies, a field trip and a simulation game. In small group settings, the learned skills will be applied to creating and evaluating developments such as creating an underwater reserve, constructing a new harbour, and developing a holiday resort.
The workshop is modelled after one given in the Netherlands by IHE, but will include substantive Southern African content. A short examination and oral evaluation will be held at the end of the workshop, which will allow successful participants to receive a certificate of credit from IHE Delft, which will in turn be credited by the University of Natal.
The course fee is R 8 000, inclusive of welcoming reception, lunches, refreshments, lecture materials, field trip and farewell dinner. To seek further information and/or to register for this workshop, please contact the:
University of Natal’s School of Maritime Studies, Durban 4041
Tel (031) 260-2994
Fax (031) 260-1456
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