Issue 163: May 2000
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The future of marine and coastal research
The Sea and the Coast Programme,
partnered by the South African Network for Coastal and Oceanic Research (SANCOR), Foundation for Research Development (FRD, now the National Research Foundation-NRF) and the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEA&T), has been recognized as highly successful in a critical independent review (SANCOR Occasional Report No. 6, in press). In particular it has contributed greatly both scientifically and in developing new capacity in marine and coastal science.
This programme will finish at the end of 2000. Institutions in South Africa involved in marine and coastal research can build on this success by initiating a new programme that broadens the scope of the previous programme while retaining those elements that have been successful and are still needed. The new programme will take into account updated national needs and objectives and the independent critique provided of the previous programme.