Issue 172: March 2003: Pg10. Expert Database

SANCOR Newsletter Issue #172: March 2003

Expert database
The Sea and Coast Programme's mission is to promote the wise use of marine and coastal resources through appropriate marine science, engineering and technology. The programme is fundamentally aimed at beening human-centered, leading to socio-economic benefit for all, developing and training experts especially among historically disadvantaged sectors, building capacity and striving for scientific excellence.
In doing so the programme encompasses applied and fundamental research and is characterized by a problem-solving approach. It is inherently multi-disciplinary in nature, promoting partnerships between marine and coastal researchers, economists and social scientists. This programme with its 5 thrusts houses a vast body of experts in various research fields.
Another primary aim of SANCOR and the Sea and Coast Programme is effective and efficient communication and information dissemination to all involved at any level of marine and coastal research. Subsequently SANCOR has decided to develop and maintain an expert database. Such a database will house a list of experts, their contact details and area(s) of expertise. The database will serve as a vital source of information to young students and other researchers wanting to know who does what marine science research in southern Africa. It will also help strengthen and widen SANCOR’s current network.
If you are interested in being part of this database, please forward the following details to the SANCOR secretariat:
Title, Name, Surname, Institute, E-mail address, Area of expertise and interest.
SANCOR secretariat is contactable at:
Pavs Pillay
021 402 3536 (tel)