OceanObs'09, 21-25 Sep

Ocean information for society: sustaining the benefits, realizing the potential
What Conference
When 2009-09-21 08:00to
2009-09-25 17:00
Where Venice Convention Centre, Venice-Lido, Italy
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OceanObs’09 conference: broadening the ocean observing system and ensuring its sustainability
September 21st to 25th, 2009, Venice Italy.
Final call: abstract submission for Additional Contributions (posters) closes August 15th.
Plenary Papers, drawing from Community White Papers, will be presented by invited speakers. The Plenary Session on “Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems” will address the major outstanding science questions related to observing and understanding the carbon system in the ocean as well as the ecosystem, including aspects of carbon sequestration and acidification, of the changes in habitats and the impact of observed changes on corals. Other plenary talks will address ocean colour, ocean ecosystems, ecosystems approaches to resource management, sensor developments, and ocean data systems. Community fora on the future of sustained Biodiversity, Biogeochemical and Ecosystem observations will also be held. This is your opportunity to contribute to the key directions for sustained biogeochemical and ecosystem ocean observations in the next 10 years. For more information see http://www.oceanobs09.net/