SANCOR Forum 2012

Beyond SEAChange –Towards developing a new marine research programme
What Forum Meeting
When 2012-05-16 09:302012-05-16 15:00 2012-05-16
from 09:30 to 15:00
Where Sea Point Research Aquarium
Contact Name Carmen Visser
Contact Email
Contact Phone 021 402 3536
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SANCOR’s research programme, SEAChange (Society, Ecosystems and Change) is in its final phase and is managed under a joint venture formed by the National Research Foundation (NRF), the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) and the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA).
The purpose of the 2012 forum is to initiate discussion on the development of a new marine research programme, aided with the perspectives of the investors of the programme (DAFF, DEA and the NRF). After this event, the SANCOR community will be consulted and engaged in refining the content of the new research programme. Join us as we bring together South Africa’s marine and coastal research stakeholders to build on common positions and perspectives towards developing a new installment of SANCOR’s research programme.
Programme available here
To attend this event please RSVP Carmen Visser
by email: or tel 021 402 3536

Click here to view presentations that were delivered at the forum.