SASAS 2011

The 27th Annual SASAS (South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences) conference is hosted by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and is themed "The interdependent atmosphere, land and ocean", and deals with the synergy and interactions within the coupled system. This theme also addresses the cross-disciplinary collaboration activities within the research and applied science communities, and the interface between science and society.
What Conference
When 2011-09-22 08:00to
2011-09-23 17:00
Where Amanzingwe Resort, Broederstroom, North West Province
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  • Expression of interest and presentation title - 27 May 2011
  • Submission of Poster/Paper abstracts - 15 July 2011
  • Early registration and payment deadline -1 August 2011
  • Feedback from reviewers -12 August 2011
  • Final Abstract submissions -26 August 2011
  • Late registration and payment deadline -5 September 2011
ACCESS will be providing funding to selected applicants to cover the transport, accommodation and registration costs associated with their conference attendance. If you are a student and would like to apply for funding you will need to submit an extended abstract (one-page abstracts will not qualify) and fill in the relevant fields provided in the online registration form.
Click here to download the Conference Announcement and Call for Papers