Short Course on Port Engineering

An open invitation is extended to all who are interested to attend the course as an introduction to Port Engineering, as a refresher course or as a seminar to interact with peers and young professionals in the field Port Engineering.Emphasis is on Ports and their design, management and impacts.
What Short course
When 2011-02-28 08:00to
2011-03-04 17:00
Where Wallenburg Auditorium, Stias Centre, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Contact Name Mr Geoff Toms
Contact Email
Contact Phone +27 21 808 4362
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Click here for an announcement and registration form for a short course and seminar at Stellenbosch University from 28 Feb to 4 March 2011.
CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS 14th FEBRUARY 2011 (Late Applications may be accepted provided space allows).