South African Society of Atmospheric Sciences 2012

On behalf of the Council of the South African Society of Atmospheric Sciences, the 2012 Conference Organising Committee takes pleasure in inviting you to participate in the SASAS annual conference that will be hosted by ETV.
What Conference
2012-09-26 00:00to
2012-09-27 00:00
Where Protea Hotel Breakwater Lodge, Waterfront, Cape Town
Contact Email
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Over the years the SASAS Conference has become a focus point for physical oceanography, ocean climate dynamics, marine meteorology, ocean modeling, climate variability and air sea interaction
Important Dates
Expression of Interest and presentation title - 25 May 2012
Submission of paper/poster abstracts - 13 July 2012
Early Registration and payment deadline - 30 July 2012
Forms and templates
Click on the links for templates for extended or short abstracts and the registration form. Extended abstracts will be peer reviewed and have an ISBN number. Please do not wait for the 13 July 2012 deadline to send the extended abstracts to help with the timely review and feedback. Please circulate widely in your institution or department. Send registration form and abstract to