"The End of the Line" - How Sound is the Science Advanced?

The film "The End of the Line" currently on release in Cape Town provides a chilling perspective of the state of the world's fisheries: bluefin tuna overfished to the brink of extinction, large fish species reduced by 90%, no fish left by 2048 if current trends continue. But is this picture up to date and scientifically accurate? Is the solution offered of more Marine Protected Areas sufficient or appropriate? Do South African fisheries fit this mould? The session aims to discuss these and related issues, allowing for an extended period of questions and input from the audience after initial presentations.
What Discussion
When 2010-11-02 17:002010-11-02 18:30 2010-11-02
from 17:00 to 18:30
Where Room M304, Mathematics Building, University of Cape Town
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Dr Kim Prochazka
Acting Chief Director Research, Branch Fisheries,
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries


Professor Doug Butterworth
Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Cape Town
Associate Professor Colin Attwood
Department of Zoology, University of Cape Town
Dr Samantha Petersen
Sustainable Fisheries, WWF South Africa

The Mathematics building is on University Avenue, immediately below Jameson Hall and on the right hand side looking towards Cape Town. Enter at the door
nearer Jameson Hall, and room M304 is one floor up immediately at the top of
the stairs.
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