Issue 169: March 2002: Where to from here?

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SANCOR Newsletter Issue #169: March 2002

Where to from here?
"Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be."
-Kahlil Gibran, "A Handful of Sand on the Shore"
Renee Le roux
An overview of the Sea and Coast Programme I was undertaken by Prof W. Roy Siegfried, an independent consultant and well-respected reviewer of science programmes. He was tasked by the National Research Foundation (NRF) to review the first phase of the Sea and Coast Programme (1996-2000) and to provide a synthesis of the scientific quality and outcomes of this programme. His overview was based on the Grant-holders’ Reports for 2000 as well as the Grant-holders’ Final Reports (1996-2000). His report "Smell the Ozone An Overview of the Sea and Coast Programme I" is appended herewith (page 2).
The SANCOR community is welcomed to comment on this report. They are also encouraged to suggest possible ways forward for the future of marine and coastal science in South Africa. An excerpt from "the Evaluation of the Sea and the Coast Programme (1996-2000)" on RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING THE FUTURE FOCUS AND SCOPE OF THE marine and coastal science research PROGRAMME by P. Freon, O.A. van der Westhuyzen and D. Mather is also appended on page 5.
Please send all comments to the SANCOR secretariat : Pavs Pillay, e-mail:, Tel: (021) 402 3536 and Fax: (021) 421 7406.